I'm getting used to struggle with my bikes.
Just to let you remember... Back in France, during exam period... Here, just a few months ago...
And now.

Though, the day began nicely...
I went all the way to nothern Dublin, to have brunch with some friends, and I've stayed there for some hours, listenning some Bob Dylan songs and then, some irish traditional music.

I really had a good time.
And then, it was time to go.

So, I came down, to find my bike, and my front tire flat.
Fuck. I'm so fucked. That's all I was able to think.
And believe me, it felt not that good...

So we went home with Chloé, who kindly accepted to walk by my side, and I topped up my phone on the way.

In the way home, we sang (makes the time go faster), some french songs by Joe Dassin.

But all these songs have one thing in common.
It is always the story of a man, secretly in love with a woman, and enable to ask her out. Just check out Molly Malone. The guy is obviously in love with the girl, but then, he leaves, and when he comes back, she is already dead!
But this is the case with all irish traditional songs.

I mean, the guy falls in love, he flees, and when he comes back, the girl is either already married, or dead.
Too bad.

But songs by Joe Dassin are all at the same time funnier (since they never end this badly), but also pathetic. Listen to Les Champs Elysées. The man spends his whole night flirting a girl, and at the end, he doesn't even kiss her!
We also sang some by Hugues Aufray, which drove us back to Bob Dylan, because of all the adaptations made from Dylan by Aufray. I won't tell you about his songs much (since he wrote one in which a woman is almost as pathetic as the men I have just described). But then, l'homme orchestre is quite a nice song.

Then I thought that what I should do to cheer me up was just to go home, fix my tire in my room listening to dear old Hugues.

Thus, I indeed went home, buying on my way a new inner tube. I next took some tools to get my wheel. But the tool wasn't so effective, and I gave up, asking a friend of mine to lend me a proper one.

So I came back to my bedroom, intending to listen to some old fashion french classics.

And I discovered that I did not ripped my Aufray's CDs on my computer.

And all my CDs are still in France.

I'm so fucked.
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