Not a so long time ago, I went to toilet.
Nothing worthing being noticed, some would say.
They're right. Just skip the remain of this article.

For those who are reading these lines, I assume that they know how important toilets are.
These are a place where you can think in peace.
Without any comment from people sitting next to you.
Without a computer barking at you (with a blue screen).

So, went I get there, I expect a quiet place.
But then, female toilets are never quiet.
There are always girls (how surprising) speaking together.

The second thing I expect is a not-blocked toilet, where I can ease myself.
But what I get usually is a basin full with toilet paper. If I'm lucky.
So, I try to sit there, with a Paul Finch sort of way.
And when I look up, I see adds.
Like "College problem? Call student nite line."
Or "Pregnant? There are positive solution."

I must tell you a thing here: to abort is illegal in Ireland.
Some say that it is related to the irish catholic moral.

So it drives me to this point.
In all teenager clichés, a pregnant teenager has to give birth in toilet.
When I look the basin, I try to imagine a teenage girl, trying to breathe deeper and deeper, pushing hard, just above this basin.
The toilet get event dirtier.
But the tricky part is when the girl tries to drown her baby.
She simply just can't, since the basin is already filled with toilet paper, and now placenta.
Then the baby will have to die from dehydration, in a bin outside.
In the cold, also, because the temperature is never hot in Ireland.

Yeah, I'm just evil.
But, like Pierre Desproges said: "Exigeons une bonne fois pour toutes qu'on habille le petit Jésus dans les crêches : toute cette nudité, ça fait triquer les pédophiles."
Which means: 'Let's require once for all that baby Jesus is to be dressed in cribs: all this nakedness makes the pedophiles horny.'
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